Traditionally, sun salutations (surya namaskara) are practiced on an empty stomach in the early morning just before the sun rises. The yogi faces the east to welcome the rising sun. This invigorating vinyasa warms up the body and prepares it for subsequent asanas.
The sequence of asanas flow from pose to pose while linking each asana with the breath. Begin in mountain pose (tadasana), inhale the arms overhead; exhale to lift the heart and chest as you extend back from a standing position. Return to mountain pose on the inhalation. Exhale and hinge forward from the hips, folding into a standing forward bend (uttanasana). Inhale as you lengthen the spine and look up. Exhale fold the body in half, then step back with one foot for a lunge, take the other foot back coming into plank pose. Exhale and bend the elbows to lower yourself into four limbed pose (chaturanga). Inhale to upward facing dog by lifting the chest and arching the spine back. Exhale and return to downward facing dog. Bend the knees and step forward to uttanasana as you exhale. On the inhalation, raise the arms overhead and return to a standing position. Exhale to extend back from a standing position. Inhale return to mountain pose. Exhale lower the hands in a prayer position (anjali mudra) in front of your heart center.
Sample Sun Salutation Sequence:
• Start in mountain pose (tadasana)
• Upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
• Standing forward bend (uttanasana)
• Lunge
Retain breath:
• Plank
• Four limbed pose (chaturanga)
• Upward facing dog
• Downward facing dog
• Lunge
• Uttanasa
• Urdhva hastasana
• Release hands to chest in anjali mudra and stand in tadasana
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. For yoga in Dunellen, NJ or yoga in Piscataway, NJ and yoga in other Central New Jersey areas, get in touch with me at Yoga Destiny.
The sequence of asanas flow from pose to pose while linking each asana with the breath. Begin in mountain pose (tadasana), inhale the arms overhead; exhale to lift the heart and chest as you extend back from a standing position. Return to mountain pose on the inhalation. Exhale and hinge forward from the hips, folding into a standing forward bend (uttanasana). Inhale as you lengthen the spine and look up. Exhale fold the body in half, then step back with one foot for a lunge, take the other foot back coming into plank pose. Exhale and bend the elbows to lower yourself into four limbed pose (chaturanga). Inhale to upward facing dog by lifting the chest and arching the spine back. Exhale and return to downward facing dog. Bend the knees and step forward to uttanasana as you exhale. On the inhalation, raise the arms overhead and return to a standing position. Exhale to extend back from a standing position. Inhale return to mountain pose. Exhale lower the hands in a prayer position (anjali mudra) in front of your heart center.
Sample Sun Salutation Sequence:
• Start in mountain pose (tadasana)
• Upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
• Standing forward bend (uttanasana)
• Lunge
Retain breath:
• Plank
• Four limbed pose (chaturanga)
• Upward facing dog
• Downward facing dog
• Lunge
• Uttanasa
• Urdhva hastasana
• Release hands to chest in anjali mudra and stand in tadasana
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. For yoga in Dunellen, NJ or yoga in Piscataway, NJ and yoga in other Central New Jersey areas, get in touch with me at Yoga Destiny.